
Automatic Memory Management in newLISP を翻訳してみる

Automatic Memory Management in newLISP


http://www.cobalt.co.jp/writing/java_lisp/java-lisp1.htm javaでのschemeの実装を目指しているらしいページ 実装の参考になるかも。 javaで実装することは確かにガベージコレクションを 実装する必要がないので楽にできるかもしれない。 javaを使うことで…

Empirical studies of LISP have shown that most LISP cells are not shared but can be reclaimed immediately during the evaluation process. newLISP does this by pushing a reference of each created memory object on to a result stack. When a hi…

One Reference Only, (ORO) memory management

1つの参照のみ(One Reference Only:ORO)、メモリ管理 Memory management in newLISP is different from memory management in other dynamic languages and based on a One Reference Only rule. Memory is never marked or reference counted, but a decisi…

Traditional automatic memory management

伝統的な自動メモリ管理 Traditional automatic memory management In most programming languages automatic memory management is realized by a process called Garbage Collection. This is a process where allocated but unused memory gets occasiona…


During expression evaluation newLISP or any other interactive language system will constantly generate new memory objects resulting from intermediate evaluation results or from de-referencing memory objects due to new assignments or change…


書籍「自然言語処理ことはじめ」に載っていた。 どうやら、単語を遺伝子配列の単位としているらしい。自然言語処理ことはじめ―言葉を覚え会話のできるコンピュータ作者: 荒木健治出版社/メーカー: 森北出版発売日: 2004/06/12メディア: 単行本(ソフトカバー…